War on Workers Revisited

Before the DFL took control of the Statehouse in 2012 the WAR ON WORKERS was in full force!

  • Higher Education was cut to the bone!
  • The Courts and Public Defense were cut to the bone!
  • Local Government and County Program Aid were cut to the bone!

Remember all the wage freezes, the coverage issues and overwhelming caseloads?

Workers were starved to the bone!

What they couldn’t cut they tried to privatize, when we fought back they came after us with a “Right to Work” scam and then tried to subvert our labor contracts with an “at-will” bill. We were lucky that Governor Dayton fought against this extreme agenda.

The legislators who did those terrible things before and put us in such awful positions want to regain their power at the Statehouse—UNLESS WE STOP THEM!

The election is November 4th 2014 and we must support our Teamster-endorsed candidates! Also, we urge you to help us phone bank on October 23rd and 30th. Times are still tough, but things are starting to get better and we cannot afford to go backwards.

Please RSVP here if you want to volunteer at a phone bank.

In solidarity,

Brian Aldes
